910 results found in this database
A & E (Accident and Emergency)
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Hospital unit that deals with emergency medical, surgical, paediatric or obstetric situations for incoming patients at any hour of the day or night. (metadata – INE) |
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Not exercising the right to vote. In Portugal, the Constitution does not legally oblige active participation in electoral acts. According to the Basic Law, the right to suffrage is a civic duty, however there are no sanctions applied for those who abstain, nor should they be prejudiced in any way for not exercising their right-duty.
The calculation of abstention has no legal effect in elections, unlike national and local referendums, where the number of abstentions determines whether the vote is legally binding or not. As such, a referendum is not binding if the number abstaining is greater than the number of people voting. (Glossary – CNE) In each election, the official number of voters who abstain is calculated using the difference between the number of people registered on the electoral roll and the number of voters who exercised their right to vote. |
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Coefficient, generally calculated as a percentage, of the relation between the voters who abstained and the total number of voters registered for that election (i.e., total of voters registered on the Electoral Roll and who are eligible to vote in a particular election). |
Accommodation Rent (Housing Rent)
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Monthly amount owed to a landlord/landlady for the use of accommodation/dwelling for housing purposes. (metadata – INE) |
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Increase in acidity in the environment as a result of leaching of a number of compounds, such as ammonia, nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxide, which contaminate rain, causing chemical changes. This phenomenon affects the development of plants not adapted to these conditions, it changes the balance of ecosystems and can be an indirect consequence of excess nutrients (eutrophication), considering that these have acidifying effects. (metadata – INE) |
Acquisition of Capital Goods
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This includes three items:
a) Investments: expenditure on the acquisition (as well as major repairs) of goods that contribute to the creation of "fixed capital", i.e., durable goods used at least during one year, in the production of goods or services, without that use causing significant change to its technical structure;
b) Financial leasing: cost of financial leasing contracts, according to the legislation in force, also including the option of final purchase, wherein the interest component should be classified as financial leasing interest, in interest and other charges;
c) Assets in the public domain: expenditure on goods in the public domain that are defined in the legislation. (Decree-Law no. 26/2002, 14th February) |
Acquisition of Portuguese Citizenship
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Form of obtaining Portuguese citizenship by declaration of will, by naturalization or by full adoption, which effects report to the date of registration.
The necessary conditions to acquire Portuguese citizenship are generally met in the following circumstances: (i) by declaration of will, a foreign person who is a minor or legally incapacitated child of a father or mother that has acquired Portuguese citizenship; a foreign person who is married or living in de facto union with a Portuguese citizen for more than three years; a foreign person who gained legal capacity and has lost Portuguese citizenship while he didn’t have it; (ii) by naturalization, a foreign person residing in Portuguese territory for at least six years; a child of foreign parents born in Portuguese territory, provided that one parent has legally resided in Portugal for at least five years; a person who has had Portuguese citizenship; a foreigner descendant of a Portuguese citizen; a person born in Portuguese territory, with foreign parents, provided that he or she has usually remained in Portugal during the ten years immediately preceding the date of application; (iii) by full adoption, a foreign person fully adopted by a Portuguese citizen. (metadata – INE) |
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Judicial sentence that terminates an action, considering that the accused should not be convicted, either because the plaintiff's request does not proceed (acquittal of request) or because there is some legal obstacle to the consideration of the request leading to the withdrawal of prosecution. In a criminal case, the judicial decision that, after being reached during trial, terminates the criminal proceedings against the defendant, either because they are proven innocent because not enough evidence was produce to justify conviction. (metadata – DGPJ/MJ) |
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Age between 15 and 64. |
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The ratio of the labour force to the population aged 15 and over, expressed in percentages. (metadata – INE) |
472 results found in this database
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Unwanted or unintended sudden event or a specific chain of such events which have harmful consequences. (metadata – Eurostat) |
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Discrete occurrence in the course of work which leads to physical or mental harm. This includes accidents in the course of work outside the premises of one's business, even if caused by a third party (on clients' premises, on another company's premises, in a public place or during transport, including road traffic accidents) and cases of acute poisoning. It excludes accidents on the way to or from work (commuting accidents), occurrences having only a medical origin (such as a heart attack at work) and occupational diseases. (metadata – Eurostat) |
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Practising health care professionals plus health care professionals for whom their education is a prerequisite for the execution of the job. (metadata – Eurostat) |
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Substances, including micro-organisms, having general or specific action against harmful organisms or on plants, parts of plants or plant products. (metadata - Eurostat) |
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The ratio of the labour force to the population aged 15 and over, expressed in percentages. (metadata – INE) |
Actual individual consumption
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Goods and services actually consumed by households. It encompasses consumer goods and services purchased directly by households, as well as services provided by non-profit institutions and the government for individual consumption (e.g., health and education services). (metadata – European System of Accounts) |
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Primary statistical information resulting from administrative procedures that are used in the statistical activity, being solely obtained for non-statistical purposes. (metadata – INE) |
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The age interval in years to which a person belongs at the time of reference. (metadata – INE) |
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The ratio of the number of elderly persons of an age when they are generally economically inactive (aged 65 and over) to the number of young persons (from 0 to 14). (metadata – INE) |
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An agricultural holding, or holding or farm is a single unit, both technically and economically, operating under a single management and which undertakes economic activities in agriculture within the economic territory of the European Union, either as its primary or secondary activity. The holding may also provide other supplementary (non-agricultural) products and services. (metadata - Eurostat)