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Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
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Legal Terms

The FFMS, which is responsible for the PORDATA website, is not liable for any type of damage caused to the user, other users, third parties or other websites for the illegal and improper use of PORDATA and / or the information it contains.

The FFMS is not responsible for the improper or illegal behaviour or conduct of PORDATA users and is not liable for damages resulting from errors or misinterpretation of the contents of the website.

The FFMS is not liable for damage caused by voluntary or involuntary interruptions of PORDATA, it does not guarantee that the site is free of errors or that those that may occur are immediately corrected, nor does it guarantee that the website is free of viruses or other harmful agents.

The FFMS reserves the right to maintain and update its website on a periodic basis, in order to make browsing improvements.


Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos Privacy Policy

In accordance with the stipulations of Law No. 67/98, 26th October, the Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (hereafter referred to as “FFMS”) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information that you share with us.

In accordance with the law, the National Commission for Data Protection is previously notified regarding the processing of personal data that you provide us with.
Many sections of our website can be browsed without the need for any information from you. When we need your personal information in order to provide services or functions related to this website or when, for any reason, you decide to give us your personal information, this document will govern the use that we make of this information.


Recording information

Personal information is any information that can be used to identify an individual or entity, including (but not limited to) name, e-mail address, postal address, title, date of birth, gender, occupation, personal interests or other information necessary for you to access our services, utilities and functions available on our website.

When browsing our website, you do so anonymously, unless you have previously registered with a user name and password.
We do not automatically register personal information or your e-mail address. We only record IP addresses, in order to give us an idea of the part of the website that you visit and how long you browse our pages, but we do not link that address to any user.

All personal information that is requested for registration purposes is exclusively for the FFMS’ information and cannot be disclosed to third parties without the consent of its owner. This information can be used to develop mechanisms to personalize your experience using the website and for maintenance of the personal area reserved for each registered user, in which data that is provided by the holder will be stored. This is exclusively for their own access and for the use of services, resources and functions available on the website.
In addition, all the data you provide will also serve to keep you updated on new services, resources or other information about the FFMS and the website that we believe to be important.

All the Foundation’s services that involve sending messages to your email address are only activated by selecting the respective option and, after subscribing via registration, such services will always include an option to cancel subscription.

The user registration on the website (with the retention of all data and personal information collected) remains effective only if it is regularly accessed by its user. Consequently, if it is not accessed during a period of twelve months, all data and personal information recorded by each user is automatically deleted by the FFMS.


Sharing information

Your personal information is never shared outside the FFMS without your express permission. The data you provided us with is stored on servers that are controlled and managed by FFMS and have limited access.
The FFMS can only give your personal information to other entities when you have given us your previous and clear consent to this effect.


Data security

For your safety, the personal data recorded on our servers is always protected by a “username” and “password”. The FFMS ensures data security through appropriate physical, electronic and processual means. For this purpose, the FFMS uses security procedures and mechanisms in order to maintain data security. Although we make every effort to do so, we cannot, however, ensure full and total security of the information that we receive from you, and therefore we urge you to take every precaution to protect your personal data while using the Internet. Change your passwords regularly and make sure you use a secure browser.


Third Party Sites

On some occasions, you may find links to other sites on the website that are external to the FFMS. However, the FFMS does not share your personal information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy policy. As such, you should always consult the respective privacy policies of all sites that you use and visit in advance.


Right of Amendment, Correction and Deletion of Data

The holder of personal data has the right to access, rectify, modify or remove it in accordance with Articles 10 to 12 of Law No. 67/98, 26th October. To do so, the holder needs to specifically express this in writing or in person, via the following contacts:


Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
Largo Monterroio Mascarenhas, nº 1, 8º Piso
1099-081 Lisboa - Portugal
Tel: (+351) 21 001 58 00


Changes in Privacy Policy

This document may be amended at any time. If the changes that occur are considerable and have implications for how we use your personal data, you will be informed via a warning on the FFMS homepage.


Questions and Suggestions

If you have any questions or doubts about the way we manage personal information, or wish to make any suggestions on this matter, please get in touch using the contacts provided above.

This document was revised and updated on November 2009.